Who Will Win?
Who Will Win?
With both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions now behind us, we begin the homestretch toward Election Day in November. All of the pollsters and pundits, regardless of party affiliation, are predicting a close presidential election that could be decided by one or two states. Given the deep divide in our country, I don’t believe anyone is really surprised by the polling numbers. Both the Harris and Trump campaigns are gearing up for what will undoubtedly be a tough fight for the White House, and in all likelihood it’s going to be a bumpy ride for them both. While I won’t tell you who to vote for, I am going to tell you who is going to win the election.
You might want to sit down if you’re not already because it’s possible that you’re not going to like my answer.
The person who will win the presidential election in the United States of America in 2024 will be: the man or woman God has decreed. This does not mean that Christians shouldn’t vote. Remember, God not only decrees what will happen in the course of history, He also decrees the means by which it will happen. In other words, your vote absolutely matters. As a Christian living in a nation that allows its citizens to vote, I believe you have a responsibility to exercise that freedom. Whether you live in a deeply red state, blue state, or purple state, casting your vote this fall according to your conscience is your civil duty and Christian responsibility.
When it comes to predicting the election results, I have my guess as to who will win, and you likely have yours. While we are free to speculate, none of us knows for certain who will win this election. But almighty God knows exactly who will win. And whichever candidate wins is the one whom God will use to carry out His plan for this world.
In several places in the Old Testament, we find prophecies concerning the nations of the world. From these passages of Scripture, we learn that God is absolutely sovereign in the affairs of men and used His prophets to foretell what He had decreed. As Daniel 2:21 teaches, “He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings.” In this verse, Daniel recognized God’s ability to work His will and plan in all circumstances. Part of His eternal plan is setting up certain governments and tearing down others. From a human perspective, it may seem that the prime ministers, presidents, dictators, and other political leaders are controlling the world. But in reality, it is almighty God who is in absolute sovereign control of this world. He created it, and it is His to do with as He pleases. He will ordain whom He wills to lead the nations of the world, and He will orchestrate the geopolitical landscape to meet His redemptive purposes.
Another passage to briefly consider is Psalm 75:6-7 where Asaph writes, “For not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness comes lifting up, but it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another.” In God’s sovereign care of the world, He raises up certain political leaders for His purposes while removing others from office. Because we are incapable of knowing the mind of God, we are unable to fully comprehend God’s purposes and reasons behind the world’s political developments. The world stage is often confusing, but there is no reason to despair; our good and gracious God is working His eternal plan for His glory.
According to the Christians worldview, we are responsible to see the world as it is—not through the naïve lens of blind utopian fantasy or the lens of skeptical cynicism. Ever since the fall in Genesis 3, the world has been a dangerous place. From the moment the serpent shrewdly created doubt in Eve’s mind, the world has been a radically different place than the paradise Adam and Eve once enjoyed. While I wholeheartedly believe that the world has been a dark and dangerous place for thousands of years, I would have to say that, in my opinion, the world is more dangerous today than it has ever been. With the rise of totalitarian governments in places like North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia, the world teeters on the verge of a truly global war. These tyrannical regimes oppress their citizens while promoting fear among the other nations of the world.
When the Berlin Wall came down on November 9, 1989, a sense of hope came over the world. There was a global sigh of relief that ushered in a time of optimism. It was the end of the Soviet Union. Communism was all but defeated. Democracy was finally going to reign supreme in Europe and in other parts of the world. It was the dawn of a new age, and the world was going to be a better and safer place. Democratic governments would replace communistic ones, and the world would finally enjoy peace.
How does all that optimism sound thirty-five years later?
Totalitarianism is unquestionably the threat of our age. Autocratic governments like that of North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia have gained a foothold over much of the world that in many ways is worse than we could have ever imagined a quarter of a century ago. A totalitarian form of government may be more efficient than a democratically elected one, but autocratic governments are desperately dangerous. When all of the power rests in one sinful person, policies are bound to go awry. Good kings may promote righteousness, but evil kings always promote evil. And according to the annals of history, absolute power does corrupt absolutely far more often than it doesn’t. If you want to see an example of how absolute power typically produces evil, just consider the four most powerful dictators on the planet today: Vladimir Putin of Russia, Xi Jinping of China, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, and the Iranian Ayatollahs.
We are living in a volatile world, and whoever is elected President of the United States this November will undoubtedly have a monumental task ahead. Whether Vice President Harris or former President Donald Trump wins the White House, the challenges will be immense and will require a lot of strength, council, and wisdom.
Perhaps you’re uneasy about the upcoming election. Maybe you’re worried about what will happen if your candidate doesn’t win. Truth is, even if your candidate does win you have no idea what the next four years hold any more than anyone else. It’s a dangerous moment in world history, but there is no reason to despair. Vice President Kamala Harris does not rule the world, and never will. Former President Donald Trump has previously occupied the Oval Office, and might once again come January. But he has never ruled the world, and never will. Whichever candidate wins in November, God’s plan for the world will remain perfectly intact.
Ruling the world is a responsibility that belongs to God alone. It has never belonged to another, and it never will. God is eternal, holy, sovereign, and good. His bidding will be done on this earth as it is in heaven. No one can thwart God’s plan. Vladimir Putin can’t. Xi Jinping can’t. Kim Jong Un can’t. The Iranian Ayatollahs can’t. No President of the United States has ever changed God’s plan for the world, and none ever will.
I don’t know about you, but I worry a lot less about November’s election when I remember that the one whom God has determined to occupy the White House in 2025 will do so. God’s perfect plan will be fulfilled regardless of who is sworn in on Inauguration Day. God’s authority over the world and civil government is the same today as it was during the days of the Old and New Testaments. And God’s sovereign rule will continue until the end of the age. No matter who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
You might want to sit down if you’re not already because it’s possible that you’re not going to like my answer.
The person who will win the presidential election in the United States of America in 2024 will be: the man or woman God has decreed. This does not mean that Christians shouldn’t vote. Remember, God not only decrees what will happen in the course of history, He also decrees the means by which it will happen. In other words, your vote absolutely matters. As a Christian living in a nation that allows its citizens to vote, I believe you have a responsibility to exercise that freedom. Whether you live in a deeply red state, blue state, or purple state, casting your vote this fall according to your conscience is your civil duty and Christian responsibility.
When it comes to predicting the election results, I have my guess as to who will win, and you likely have yours. While we are free to speculate, none of us knows for certain who will win this election. But almighty God knows exactly who will win. And whichever candidate wins is the one whom God will use to carry out His plan for this world.
In several places in the Old Testament, we find prophecies concerning the nations of the world. From these passages of Scripture, we learn that God is absolutely sovereign in the affairs of men and used His prophets to foretell what He had decreed. As Daniel 2:21 teaches, “He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings.” In this verse, Daniel recognized God’s ability to work His will and plan in all circumstances. Part of His eternal plan is setting up certain governments and tearing down others. From a human perspective, it may seem that the prime ministers, presidents, dictators, and other political leaders are controlling the world. But in reality, it is almighty God who is in absolute sovereign control of this world. He created it, and it is His to do with as He pleases. He will ordain whom He wills to lead the nations of the world, and He will orchestrate the geopolitical landscape to meet His redemptive purposes.
Another passage to briefly consider is Psalm 75:6-7 where Asaph writes, “For not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness comes lifting up, but it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another.” In God’s sovereign care of the world, He raises up certain political leaders for His purposes while removing others from office. Because we are incapable of knowing the mind of God, we are unable to fully comprehend God’s purposes and reasons behind the world’s political developments. The world stage is often confusing, but there is no reason to despair; our good and gracious God is working His eternal plan for His glory.
According to the Christians worldview, we are responsible to see the world as it is—not through the naïve lens of blind utopian fantasy or the lens of skeptical cynicism. Ever since the fall in Genesis 3, the world has been a dangerous place. From the moment the serpent shrewdly created doubt in Eve’s mind, the world has been a radically different place than the paradise Adam and Eve once enjoyed. While I wholeheartedly believe that the world has been a dark and dangerous place for thousands of years, I would have to say that, in my opinion, the world is more dangerous today than it has ever been. With the rise of totalitarian governments in places like North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia, the world teeters on the verge of a truly global war. These tyrannical regimes oppress their citizens while promoting fear among the other nations of the world.
When the Berlin Wall came down on November 9, 1989, a sense of hope came over the world. There was a global sigh of relief that ushered in a time of optimism. It was the end of the Soviet Union. Communism was all but defeated. Democracy was finally going to reign supreme in Europe and in other parts of the world. It was the dawn of a new age, and the world was going to be a better and safer place. Democratic governments would replace communistic ones, and the world would finally enjoy peace.
How does all that optimism sound thirty-five years later?
Totalitarianism is unquestionably the threat of our age. Autocratic governments like that of North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia have gained a foothold over much of the world that in many ways is worse than we could have ever imagined a quarter of a century ago. A totalitarian form of government may be more efficient than a democratically elected one, but autocratic governments are desperately dangerous. When all of the power rests in one sinful person, policies are bound to go awry. Good kings may promote righteousness, but evil kings always promote evil. And according to the annals of history, absolute power does corrupt absolutely far more often than it doesn’t. If you want to see an example of how absolute power typically produces evil, just consider the four most powerful dictators on the planet today: Vladimir Putin of Russia, Xi Jinping of China, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, and the Iranian Ayatollahs.
We are living in a volatile world, and whoever is elected President of the United States this November will undoubtedly have a monumental task ahead. Whether Vice President Harris or former President Donald Trump wins the White House, the challenges will be immense and will require a lot of strength, council, and wisdom.
Perhaps you’re uneasy about the upcoming election. Maybe you’re worried about what will happen if your candidate doesn’t win. Truth is, even if your candidate does win you have no idea what the next four years hold any more than anyone else. It’s a dangerous moment in world history, but there is no reason to despair. Vice President Kamala Harris does not rule the world, and never will. Former President Donald Trump has previously occupied the Oval Office, and might once again come January. But he has never ruled the world, and never will. Whichever candidate wins in November, God’s plan for the world will remain perfectly intact.
Ruling the world is a responsibility that belongs to God alone. It has never belonged to another, and it never will. God is eternal, holy, sovereign, and good. His bidding will be done on this earth as it is in heaven. No one can thwart God’s plan. Vladimir Putin can’t. Xi Jinping can’t. Kim Jong Un can’t. The Iranian Ayatollahs can’t. No President of the United States has ever changed God’s plan for the world, and none ever will.
I don’t know about you, but I worry a lot less about November’s election when I remember that the one whom God has determined to occupy the White House in 2025 will do so. God’s perfect plan will be fulfilled regardless of who is sworn in on Inauguration Day. God’s authority over the world and civil government is the same today as it was during the days of the Old and New Testaments. And God’s sovereign rule will continue until the end of the age. No matter who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
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