Grace Men

We have a passion for men being together, encouraging and challenging each other to take the next step forward in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We desire to accomplish this through meeting at intentional times to laugh, pray, and study the Word of God. Grace men support the work of the church and will lead our families in the truth of God’s Word.

Teaching and disciplining must remain the goal of Grace Men. “To present every man complete in Him,” (Col. 1:28)  must be the unhindered purpose as daily pressure, schedules, and temptations will try to derail, distract, and delude our men to be less of all what God created them to be.

Upcoming Events

September 21st: Totally COrny NIght

6:00-8:30 PM

Bordeaux Farm

Corn hole Tournament with prizes, Mexican street corn, corny jokes Bible Challenge for Men of all ages (12+)!

nOVEMBER 16TH: Grace Men b.y.o.m. NIght

6:00-9:00 PM

Atrium Chapel

Gentlemen, We are bringing back an event that we did several years ago! Plan to invite a friend!

B.Y.O.M= Bring your own meat! We will grill it for you!

Time: 6-9 p.m.

Place: Grilling- Small parking lot by flag pole. Eating: Atrium. Testimonies and Football: Kids Chapel

All sides and drinks will be provided! ****If you can bring a few $ per person for donation to deflate the cost that would be greatly appreciated!

We will have time to grill and fellowship! We will then hear Gospel testimonies from several of our Varsity Coaches at WCA!

College Football will be available to watch on the big screen for the remainder of the time that you can stay!

  • Ben moved to Wilmington in 2005 to teach and coach at Wilmington Christian. He has enjoyed serving in many areas at Grace Baptist Church while attending. From men’s ministry to youth group, Ben loves building relationships and creating programs to strengthen the church. His wife serves as the registrar at WCA and their 3 children attend Grace and WCA as well. He loves being a dad!

OCtober 19th: Grace Mens’ Park And PRay

7:00-8:30 AM

Parkwood Park

WHERE: Parkwood Park

4827 Canetuck Rd.

WHEN: 7:30-8:30 EVERY 3rd Sat. of the month!