Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
From newborns to 5th grade the mission of Grace Kids is to join with families in seeing their children grow to know and love God. Whether it's Sunday School, Junior Church, Kids4Truth, or any of the other exciting activities throughout the year, helping parents help their kids see and understand God's glory is our passion!

Kids4Truth is our Wednesday night children's program for ages 3 years-5th grade. Kids4Truth teaches children key biblical truth and how they can apply it to their everyday lives. Kids4Truth also has several creative dress-up nights throughout the year that keeps the excitement level high!
To learn more about this program you can visit
For the 2024-2025 year, we will be studying Themes 7-12:
THEME 7: God's Law
THEME 8: Jesus Christ
THEME 9: God's Gift - Salvation
THEME 10: God's Purpose For His Children
THEME 11: God's Work - Past & Present
THEME 12: God's Plan For The Future
Our Parent meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, August 28th at 6:30 pm. We will meet in the Kid’s Chapel.
Our Kick-off to K4T will be Wednesday evening, September 4th at 6:30 pm.
Join us in the Kid’s Chapel each Wednesday night from 6:30-7:30 as we learn more about God and His Word.
To learn more about this program you can visit
For the 2024-2025 year, we will be studying Themes 7-12:
THEME 7: God's Law
THEME 8: Jesus Christ
THEME 9: God's Gift - Salvation
THEME 10: God's Purpose For His Children
THEME 11: God's Work - Past & Present
THEME 12: God's Plan For The Future
Our Parent meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, August 28th at 6:30 pm. We will meet in the Kid’s Chapel.
Our Kick-off to K4T will be Wednesday evening, September 4th at 6:30 pm.
Join us in the Kid’s Chapel each Wednesday night from 6:30-7:30 as we learn more about God and His Word.
We would like to invite all 3 year-olds - 5th grade to join us for VBS this summer.
Junior Camp
We head to The Anchorage Christian Camp in Lake Waccamaw, NC, each summer for our summer camp.
Camp is open to rising 3rd graders - rising 6th graders (their grade for the upcoming school year)
The cost is around $325 and you will need to contact Pastor Brian at to sign up.
Check back here for updates to next summer's schedule.
Camp is open to rising 3rd graders - rising 6th graders (their grade for the upcoming school year)
The cost is around $325 and you will need to contact Pastor Brian at to sign up.
Check back here for updates to next summer's schedule.
Volunteering at GraceKids
At Grace Baptist Church, the safety and security of your children is very important to us. That is why we ask that our volunteers be members of Grace for at least 6 months.
Sunday Morning Programs
We have classes for kids 3 years-5th grade at 9:30.
For the main service 3yrs-1st grade stay in their class rooms. 2nd-5th graders go into the worship service to join in the corporate worship then are dismissed to go to their own class.
For the main service 3yrs-1st grade stay in their class rooms. 2nd-5th graders go into the worship service to join in the corporate worship then are dismissed to go to their own class.

Brian Jones
Assistant Pastor/Children's Ministries
I joined the staff at Grace in 2016 as the Assistant Pastor. My wife, Amber, and I served the Lord at Farmington Avenue Baptist Church in West Hartford, CT for over 20 years. I desire to dedicate myself to this ministry in order to see it run smoothly and bring honor to the Lord. I earned my Youth Ministries degree at Bob Jones University with a concentration in Speech Performance.
God has blessed me to be able to serve as a youth pastor, coach, and teacher throughout my ministry years. My passion in ministry is challenging people to “take the next step” in their Christian life. My wife, Amber, and daughter, Talia, are my two loves, and my interests include sports—especially volleyball, rock climbing, and scuba diving.
God has blessed me to be able to serve as a youth pastor, coach, and teacher throughout my ministry years. My passion in ministry is challenging people to “take the next step” in their Christian life. My wife, Amber, and daughter, Talia, are my two loves, and my interests include sports—especially volleyball, rock climbing, and scuba diving.
Opportunities for Kids
Sunday Mornings
9:30 GraceKids Classes
10:30 Children's Church
10:30 Children's Church
Wednesday Nights
6:30-7:30 Kids For Truth