Why do we ask you to give?
We believe Christian generosity is commanded and illustrated throughout the New Testament. As Christians, we are to gratefully receive what the Lord provides in order to generously give to the work of the ministry and to the needs of others. Our hope and trust are ultimately in God, not in our financial resources. Typically, people believe their money belongs to them, and only whatever amount they decide to give to God belongs to Him. But in reality, all of our resources belong to God. Generosity is a critical part of our Christian walk. Because God has been generous with us, we are to demonstrate generosity to others. As followers of Christ, we want to glorify God in all areas of life. This includes our call to be wise stewards of our finances.
Ways To Give
Give On Line
Giving on line is easy and safe with our Subsplash giving platform. You can use the giving form to set up a one time or reoccurring gift.
Give In Person
We have offering boxes available around our sanctuary if you if you would prefer to give in person.
Mail A Check
If you are unable to visit in person or give online there is also an option mail in your gift as check. Checks can be sent to 1401 N. College Road Wilmington NC, 28405 attn Church Office.